Monday, August 27, 2007

Salvage Beautiful

These photos are from designer Olle Lundberg's cabin in northern Cali, coming your way via CasaSugar (I'm the editor for this site as of next Tuesday!), via Apartment Therapy.

Armstead's been interested in building us a redwood sauna, but we'd want a small cold pool to go with it. This one is big and gorgeous; I'd be satisfied with a small dunking pool, Japanese-style (or maybe made from a sweetly landscaped livestock tank).

Supposedly a lot of this is salvaged.

For his dayjob, he's a designer for many places, including Ikea.

So inspiring.


Shepway Writers said...

I'm a great big British bloke who is happily married to a beautiful dainty dish and we love your blog. Warm, feminine and not one little bit whiney or pining for that special 'someone.'

I'm a writer. My dainty dish is a best-selling author. We say you have talent... please don't waste it.

md said...

those pools are rad!

wendy said...

here is the website for that salvage guy I just emailed you about, too:

He gave me a slatted wood basket thing made from French oak "flavor sticks" used to make red and white wines taste oaky. They can only be used once (he said, though the lady at DeLoach said their chards use second dippings and so therefore are less oaky) so Bug incorporates them into various things.