Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Few Weird Objects Peter Would Like Me To Cull From My Collection

But that would be wrong, I say. Wrong!

When Peter tried to deride the Jesus, Armstead argued in its favor. "You can't get rid of the Jesus! That's some classic folk art."

It does need a new frame, though. Something more Catholic. Anyone know where I can get some Catholic frames?

And he also thinks the Porous Walker picture is inappropriate for a home. Which is so untrue! This is hot shit! What he doesn't realize is that it could be much worse (check out the "Your weiner is so cool" picture on the link for verification of this).

Also, if anyone could tell me why Blogger refuses to recognize the verticality of some of my photos, please divulge.

Then there's the wee werewolf made by a member of Black Fiction. He was for sale along with records and t-shirts. How could I say goodbye to little tube-socked werewolf?

I mean, hell, he has a gun in his backpocket.

That's craftmanship.

1 comment:

mosspink said...

I don't think you should trash Mr. Werewolf With Tube Socks because, duuuude, he's wearing tube socks! I say get him a nice shadow box home where he can be contained nicely enough for Peter's comfort but still stay in your art collection. :)