Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Clarifications on the Branch Idea

So, what I'm imagining is a single branch, emerging from the edge of the wall and tapering to a smaller, wispier point about halfway to 2/3 over the wall, so it would come over the top of the bed. I'd like leaves--maybe Japanese Maple leaves? Some big and some small.

These Japanese Maples are all very lovely and getting close to what I'd like. Again, the walls would be the blue color on the previous post, and I think that using a slightly lighter blue, perhaps with a silver tone, for the branch, would look much better than using a darker color.

I think that this is a good idea in part because Peter's house is right over the Hayward Fault, and putting artwork over our bed is probably a bad idea for that reason alone. And it just seems like such a calming influence.

This is very pretty, though I'd like the branches to be simplified if it was going to go up on the wall, and I don't know if Peter would be down with a bird on there (though of course I would be, but if I had my way I'd be sticking weird nature-related crap in every nook and cranny of the house).

These pictures are all too busy, but they're nice for inspiration.

Megan suggested that I hire a CCA student to paint this. I think that's a great idea. Alrernately, I could ask Nicole from Kitchen Sink fame to help me to project the image on the wall and paint it on. She's supersmart at things like that.


wendy-o williams said...

ive heard of people doing it with projectors and such. i have kindof wanted powerlines on our walls but then we have no wallspace that is blank so i dont know what the eff i am talking about.

Elka said...

yeah, i just realized that the wall i want to move the bed onto has all windows, basically, so i'm renegotiating with myself.